Friday, June 24, 2011

Advanced, Persistant Threats - Cybercrime Now

The Next Generation of Cybercrime: How it’s evolved, where it’s going.  I downloaded this from Computer World's White Pages today.  Very interesting.  APT are a form of Info Warfare.

Want to read some fictional cybercrime?  Have a Kindle?  The Shadow Warriors are lurking in the wings.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another cool information warfare site!

Infowar Monitor
 The revolutions in the Middle East are also being fought on the net, Facebook and even Twitter.  In fact a Tweeter observed the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound, wondering WTF?

The Syrians, as one might expect, have tried to usurp cyberspace for the own devious aims.  See the above link.